a Million Benefits of Lemon Fruit for Skin, from Moisturizing to Removing Oil on the Face

The benefits of lemon are so many, especially for the skin. Because lemon contains a lot of vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium.
a Million Benefits of Lemon Fruit for Skin

PenCrazy - The benefits of lemon are so many, especially for the skin. Because lemon contains a lot of vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium.

The benefits of lemon can be felt by consuming lemons directly or rubbed on the skin. Here are tips for living the benefits of lemon for the skin:

a Million Benefits of Lemon Fruit for Skin, from Moisturizing to Removing Oil on the Face

1. Moisturizing Skin

Lemon has anti-bacterial properties which make it perfect for eliminating acne-causing bacteria.

For your own DIY version, mix a few drops of coconut water with a few drops of lemon juice.

If you have sensitive skin, do a patch test on the skin first.

2. Elbow and Knee Whitening

Lemons are packed with vitamin C, a natural lightening ingredient.

"If your elbows and knees look dark, just rub them in with half a lemon," says Patrice Coleman, owner of DaBlot Beauty.

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3. Blackhead Treatment

Lemon can also help treat blackheads.

This is because lemons contain citric acid, a natural form of alpha hydroxy acid (AHA).

After cleansing, rub a slice of lemon over your most blackheaded spots (usually the T-zone) to let the AHA do its pore-cleaning magic.

4. Skin Lightening

Lemons are rich in vitamin C and citric acid, so they can help brighten and brighten skin when used over time.

"Vitamin C is a great antioxidant for neutralizing free radicals and increasing collagen production," says Marina Peredo, MD, a dermatologist.

That means lemon can help lighten dark spots.

5. Oil Remover on the Face

The citric acid in lemon juice acts as a natural substance.

If you have oily skin, you can use lemon to treat it.

Add a few drops of lemon juice to a cotton pad and wipe it over your freshly washed face to stop the oil.

How to Store Lemons

1. Store lemons at room temperature

Without the hassle, you can store lemons at room temperature as usual. Just place the lemons on a clean table in the kitchen.

This method can make a whole lemon last for one week.

2. Put the lemon in the fridge

If you want to keep whole lemons longer, you can use the refrigerator for storage.

Place whole lemons in an airtight container or plastic bag, refrigerate. The lemons will last for a month.

3. Wrap the sliced lemon

Once you've partially cut the lemon, you'll need to store it quickly so it doesn't turn black.

Place the lemon wedges in an airtight container and place in the refrigerator. The lemons will last for five to seven days.

Sevan - a Million Benefits of Lemon Fruit for Skin, from Moisturizing to Removing Oil on the Face

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