Recognize 5 Love Languages That Make Relationships Stickier

Do you wish your boyfriend could do the same? Most people use the love language that their parents use.
Recognize 5 Love Languages That Make Relationships Stickier

Establishing a relationship requires good and strong communication. The problems that you will face with your partner are certainly not far from communication problems. You must have felt annoyed because your boyfriend didn't even understand what you needed. Or you've been struggling to learn to cook so he can enjoy the results of your cooking, but he just ignores it.

Well, you should know that everyone uses a different language to express their love. Usually this love language has been formed since we were small. Take a look at the way your parents show their love for you. Do you wish your boyfriend could do the same? Most people use the love language that their parents use. Then what is the love language that you and your boyfriend use so far? Well, for more details, check out the five love languages according to marriage counselor and best-selling author Dr. This Gary Chapman.

Recognize 5 Love Languages That Make Relationships Stickier

1. Praise and positive words

Praise and positive words

Expressions of love expected by people with this love language in the form of compliments and words that can convince your love. If your boyfriend belongs to this type, flood him with sweet, "I love you," every day and don't get tired of complimenting and reminding him how much he means to you. On the other hand, he cannot accept criticism or ridicule from you.

2. Quality time

Quality time

You don't have to bother treating them to fancy restaurants or buying designer watches for people with this love language. Just spend your time with him without distractions like smartphone notifications or work you brought from work. Don't complain if he often asks you to meet, okay?

3. Receive gifts

Receive gifts

It is obligatory to bring gifts or small gifts for them. Don't worry, you don't have to buy expensive gifts. They are already happy when you bring them fried rice or their favorite snack. They will really appreciate your effort and attention when you bring them gifts. Also make sure that you don't forget your birthdays or anniversaries, okay?

4. Receive help

Receive help

Usually those who find it difficult to express their love will speak this language. He will be very happy if you help him distribute the questionnaire he is working on or buy him tickets to the cinema for your date tonight. Anyway he will be very happy when you want to help lighten his load.

5. Physical touch

Physical touch

People who use this language really enjoy intimate touches such as holding hands, being rubbed on the head, kissed, hugged, and patted on the shoulder. Especially when they're having a bad day. Your presence and touch can be very valuable in the eyes of your partner.

So don't worry. Different is natural, really. Not that you and your partner are not compatible, yes. You just have to be observant in judging what language your partner can understand.


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