8 Men's Secrets that Women Never Know, They Hate Monotonous Style

Some men have a closed nature. They don't really like to tell everything to their partner.
8 Men's Secrets that Women Never Know, They Hate Monotonous Style

Some men have a closed nature. They don't really like to tell everything to their partner.

Some men really like it when their partners try to find out their secrets. Impressed mysteriously, sometimes that's how they have fun.

Then, what are usually the secrets of men? Launching the Times of India, here are some of them.

8 Men's Secrets that Women Never Know, They Hate Monotonous Style 8 Men's Secrets that Women Never Know, They Hate Monotonous Style

First, a man really likes sexual relations, but does not like monotonous things. The woman who becomes his partner must choose a variety so that it is not boring. For example, consider the different positions to the temperature in the room.

Second, a man will stop being romantic when he loses interest in a woman. So, if you're constantly fighting with your partner over petty issues, this might be the answer.

Third, most men don't like watching romantic comedies. They don't like sad stories either. The thing they love to do is watch for sex.

Fourth, men really hate when they are considered as personal heaters. For example, when you put cold hands or feet on it to keep yourself warm.

Fifth, men will not lie when they really want to get something. If they want to please someone, they will try their best.

Sixth, men hate it when their partners are so dependent on them. Not without reason, of course, they also have things that need to be handled throughout the day.

Seventh, men may lie when they fall in love at first sight. Very few men really mean what they say. They're just trying to charm.

Eighth, men also tend to consider their partner's sister or best friend attractive at certain times. However, they don't dare to say it in front of their partners because they could be cursed at.

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