6 Ways to Take Care of a Golden Retriever Dog To Grow Healthy

Are you interested in keeping a Golden Retriever at home? First, understand how to properly care for a Golden Retriever!
6 Ways to Take Care of a Golden Retriever Dog To Grow Healthy

Are you interested in keeping a Golden Retriever at home? First, understand how to properly care for a Golden Retriever!

Golden Retrievers are known for being loyal to their owners. In addition, his posture is dashing, so he can be a house guard dog. No wonder many people are interested in maintaining it.

However, before adopting this smart pet, make sure you know how to properly care for a Golden Retriever.

If you're still confused, check out more information in the article below!

6 Ways to Take Care of the Right Golden Retriever

1. Provide Enough Space

Golden Retriever Running Long Distance

First, make sure you have a large enough space to treat it. This is because the Golden Retriever is a large dog breed that reaches a size of 51-61 cm when mature.

Not only that, his body weight is around 25-32 kg if you take good care of it. Because of this, he needs more wiggle room than a regular dog.

At a minimum, you should have a yard or yard for him to run and play. In addition, your residence must also be spacious because this dog prefers to be in the house.

2. Don't Leave It Too Often

Don't Leave It Too Often

Second, avoid leaving him at home alone too often. Golden Retrievers have a strong bond with their owners. It will make him suffer if he doesn't see you for too long.

He is also more prone to depression and anxiety due to separation.

Therefore, if you live alone and have a job that requires you to travel, do not adopt a Golden Retriever as a pet.

3. Brush your dog's hair regularly


How to care for the next Golden Retriever, make sure you fur every 3-5 times a week. This type of dog has a thick and long coat.

As a result, their fur is prone to tangling after playing all day in the yard or at home. In addition, the hair is also prone to hair loss if you don't take good care of it. Therefore, make sure to always clean the fur, yes.

4. Choose Quality Food for Golden Retrievers

Choose Quality Food for Golden Retrievers

Next, make sure you give the anabul a quality dog food specifically for large dog breeds.

However, keep these things in mind before buying:

  • Make sure meat is the first two ingredients
  • Avoid dog food that contains wheat or grains
  • Do not use food with the main ingredients of innards

Then, also pay attention to the feeding schedule for your pet dog.

Puppies aged 8-12 weeks need to be fed four times a day.

Then, at the age of 3-6 months you can feed him three times a day and at the age of 6 months to a year just twice a day.

Meanwhile, at the age of one year and over, he only needs to be fed once a day.

5. Provide Toys He Can Chew

Provide Toys He Can Chew

How to care for the next Golden Retriever dog is to give him a toy to chew on. Otherwise, he will bite the furniture in the house when he is bored.

The biggest risk, your pet dog can eat human food scraps that are harmful to their health.

Choose a rubber toy whose material is guaranteed to be safe for animals or a cloth rope with a soft texture.

6. Check the Golden Retriever's Ears Regularly

Check the Golden Retriever's Ears Regularly

Finally, make sure you do regular ear checks. Always make sure the inside of the ear is clean and dry.

The reason is, Golden Retrievers have large ears so they are prone to ear infections.

Cleaning it is quite easy, just wipe the ear with a damp cotton swab.

For the record, if you find ear wax that emits a strange odor, immediately take your dog to the nearest vet.

Sevan - 6 Ways to Take Care of a Golden Retriever Dog To Grow Healthy
Source: berita.99.co

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